How I Became a Mac User And Evangelist
— the short version

It all started when my dad bought me a PC in late eighties. I've been a PC user since and relatively happy running mostly on Windows NT, 2000 and XP. Things started to get really messy when the Internet came along. Actually, I'm a bit amazed how fast the situation got so bad that nowadays when one want's to install a fresh copy of Windows (which is something that a Windows-user must do every now and then just to keep the system up and running), it just cannot be done without some kind of an anti-virus software and endless amount of CD:s with Service Packs and Hotfixes. (And still, after all that, You end up with a system that is far from safe and working.)

After realizing that these allmost daily problems made the tool that I once loved something that I really didn't want to use at all, I started looking for a permanent solution that would make using a computer fun again. At that time I was also searching a new laptop as my primary workstation. Somehow I stumbled surfing and found the lovely PowerBooks. About three months from that I ordered a brand new 15” PowerBook without even ever seeing one live or actually using one. Hell, I'd never even used Mac OS X!

I fell totally in love with the machine the day I got it. It was just as perfect as I had read all over the web and OS X was better than I would ever have imagined. I knew right away how to use it and everything just worked. From that on, I knew that I had found my solution for a computer that would be fun to use again. It was a Macintosh.

Now, allmost after a year from my Switch, I feel that I know the goods and bads on both worlds and I often recommend getting a Mac instead of trying to fight the windmills with Windows-systems. In fact, I've stopped giving any technical support to friends and relatives with Windows-systems. It has been very relaxing after years of wasting time trying to solve those problems that will never go away.

And, most importantly, now I love using my computer again ;)


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